I found this pattern on Lion Brand's site and had to knit it up! It was composed entirely of garter stitch knitting and whipped up rather quickly. At first I was a little hesitant to make the project since there weren't any posts by other knitters for it. However, I jumped in anyway, and loved the final result so much, that I made a Polar Bear version for my sister who is pregnant, and happens to love polar bears. For that one, I used a thick, downy Homespun yarn in an almond sort of color and some black yarn that I double crocheted for the ties. I've thought about toggle buttons for the closer of the hoodie, but didn't have any on hand. Oh well, I thought...it still looks quite cosy and warm! My only problem with knitting so many baby clothes, is not having a model to try them on yet!! The hood looks rather large to me on the pattern, but I haven't a model to test it out on...not for another 7 months, at least! The multi-hued hoodie is for a 3-6 month old, while the Polar Bear hoodie is more for a 1 year old. After all, the baby is due in July, and I wanted to make sure it had something that would definitely still fit by the time the cold months came around. I rearranged the pattern a bit the second time as well. I made the two front panels to fit a 2 year old, because I didn't think they closed close enough together. The final result should fit around a 1-2 year old just fine, and hopefully will be able to be warn at least 2 seasons...in SLC!
All in all, it was a fun, simple pattern that turns out quite adorable! I can't wait for that model to arrive!!!
That looks so nice and cozy! I love the one for baby N!