I just finished him...I don't really even have a name set for him yet, but tomorrow he will begin a new adventure of his own, with Grandpa! This past Christmas I received a knitting book that changed my life, so to speak, it was a how to knit toys book...one that I've been wanting for ages, too. "Itty-Bitty Toys" by Susan B. Anderson is the exact book. I love every pattern on every page, and when I saw the bunny...I just couldn't wait to try it! I even made him with a size UP in double pointed needles (size 6 US) because I didn't have any size 5 US dpn's. I found my stash of white yarn and went "to town". I must say, making this bunny was one of my first adventures outside of regular scarf/hat/afghan territory, and it felt amazing!! For the first time, I was jumping in to a new pattern needles first, not knowing what to expect, but hoping for the turn out to look somewhat presentable :) He did!! Perhaps, I will name him George, after Grandpa...
Anyway, I highly recommend this knitting book if you have any interest in starting to knit toys. The patterns are very well written and make complete sense. And if you're anything like me...if you can't figure it out, there's always youtube!!! Happy knitting to you all!!
This is a pretty cool blog for such hasty construction. But, it is a very fitting tribute for the rabbit who is in himself a fitting tribute. Maybe, he will be a good servant like the polite Egyptian bunnies, or flaming Viking bunnies or immolated Indian bunnies. You never know.
See you later.
p.s. you had to have a comment for your first day!
He is so cute! I think it's sweet, the life that he's taken on. Guardian bunny? I'd love to look through your book, not that I'd be ready to make anything from it, but something to look forward to.