Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Come One, Come my NEW Website!!

Here is the brand new site of Queen Mab Arts!!
Check it out at your earliest's a bit "under construction", but we're working hard to make it beautiful for you!

And soon to come: shopping carts, commission requests, and so much more!!

Come See Us Here! @ Queen Mab's new site!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ramona's Shrug-Test Fitting for a 1 year old!!

Little Miss Ramona turned 1 this 4th of July! I thought she might need a cute little shrug to help her keep warm on some of the cooler Summer eve's, and soon-to-be autumn days. She was a little bit of a busy bee during the test fitting, but I knew I just had to document the moment! She was especially excited, not to mention mesmerized upon finding my 60+ nail polish least it held her attention long enough to snap a few shots, cause man, is that baby fast!!!

Yarn Bombing at the Utah Art's Festival, June 2011

Here are a few fun shots I was able to capture of the amazing Yarn Bombing that went on this year at the Utah Arts Festival! Enjoy the creativity!!
Yarn Bomb-omb!

It was an awesome sight to behold, I just wish I had been able to participate this year....but, I know, there's always next year!!
If only I had snagged pictures of the MiniCooper they bombed, too!!

Gotta love it,
Queen Mab