Mr. Paddington Bear was a most generous model for my
Sweet Honeycomb Sweater, sized for the average 1 year old. Since babies do have a tendency to get a little messy, I knit this honeycomb-cabled sweater with
Vanna's Choice Yarn in Dusty Blue. It is completely washer-friendly, 100% Acrylic, and such a flattering color, I think!
The front panel is easily removed by unbuttoning either, or both sides of the cardigan's body...when the panel is taken off, the little sweater can be worn as a light, open front cardi, too.
I loved the outcome of this cabled design, mixed with a stockinette and simple seed stitch border!
What makes this little sweater one of my all-time favorites is definitely the way the back turned out...the honeycomb cables literally
POP! out of the stockinette surroundings, giving you a slightly elevated, textured stitch that ties in with the front panel.
This was definitely a project that I adored working on! There are few things more fulfilling to me than finishing a piece that I have honest excitement about, and this was definitely one of them! ...and don't you think Paddington makes such a great little model??
...So much more to come, and happy knitting to all :)
-Queen Mab