I set out with a pattern in mind, actually it was more like a challenge in mind...I didn't think I could pull this one off, but a friend of mine at work made me promise to at least try. The pattern: Zoe Mellor's Robin Hood Jacket! The task was not going to be easy...it's riddled with cables, a skill I had so far, not learned, and it was not my usual pattern. By that I mean, each line wasn't written out for me, telling me what my next step was...that was hard for me to get over. But again, that friend, was able to write out every step of nearly the entire pattern! And she's only been a knitter for a number of months!! I was totally impressed and ready to go.
Eventually I hit a snag in motivation, when I realized it would be ages until I had a little person to wear such a garment. Until...my sister's friend, Megan, asked if I could make her 3 yr. old a cardigan. I was so happy at that moment, I knew that the Robin Hood Jacket would be perfect for Maggie!! It gave me a whole new reason to finish the piece and a thrill and excitement I wasn't even ready for. It may sound cheesy, but when I first saw the picture of little Maggie smiling away, wearing the cardi I made just for her, it lit me up inside!! I've never felt such a rush of accomplishment before now, especially when it came to my knitting. Pure Happiness!! I don't want to sound overly confident, but I think it turned out pretty dang cute for having only just taught myself most of the necessary skills for the pattern. But in honesty...cabling sounds intimidating, but it's actually really easy, and kinda fun!!!
Hope you like it, too!!